
How Does a Customer File a Dispute, What Is the Process, and How Is My Payment Processor Involved?

This blog outlines how customers file disputes, the resolution process, and the role of your payment processor, like Redde Payments, in managing them.
Redde Payments
5 min to read

How Does a Customer File a Dispute, What Is the Process, and How Is My Payment Processor Involved?

In the dynamic world of commerce, understanding how a customer files a dispute and the intricate process that follows is crucial for any business owner. At Redde Payments, we aim to demystify this process and highlight our role in ensuring that disputes are handled efficiently and fairly. Let’s explore the steps involved in filing a dispute and how your payment processor plays a pivotal role throughout the journey.

Step-by-Step: How a Customer Files a Dispute

1.Initiating the Dispute

When a customer is dissatisfied with a transaction—due to non-receipt of goods, unauthorized charges, or other issues—they typically contact their bank to initiate a dispute. The customer provides relevant details, such as transaction date, amount, and reason for the dispute.

1) Customer's Perspective: This step involves the customer recognizing a problem with a transaction. They contact their bank, often through customer service or online banking platforms, and explain the issue.

2 )Bank's Role: The bank collects all pertinent information, verifying the legitimacy of the customer’s claim before moving forward.

2. Issuing Bank Review

The bank reviews the customer's complaint and checks the validity of the claim. If the bank deems the dispute to be legitimate, they proceed to create a chargeback, reversing the transaction and temporarily crediting the customer's account.

1) Bank's Perspective: Here, the bank conducts an initial investigation, which includes checking transaction details and any prior communications between the customer and the merchant.

2) Outcome: If the claim is valid, the bank initiates a chargeback, effectively reversing the transaction amount and crediting the customer’s account.

3. Notification to Merchant

The issuing bank sends a chargeback notification to the merchant's payment processor. At Redde Payments, we promptly inform the merchant of the dispute, providing all necessary details to ensure they are aware of the situation.

1) Merchant's Perspective: The merchant is alerted to the chargeback through a notification from Redde Payments. This notification includes details such as the transaction date, amount, and reason for the dispute.

2) Processor's Role: We act swiftly to ensure that merchants receive these notifications promptly, enabling them to respond within the required timeframe.

The Chargeback Process: Merchant’s Perspective

1. Initial Review and Response

Upon receiving a chargeback notification, merchants must review the details and decide whether to accept the chargeback or dispute it. Redde Payments provides merchants with the chargeback notification and recommendations for the documents that should be included in the response.

1) Merchant's Task: Merchants must evaluate the validity of the dispute. This involves checking transaction records, reviewing customer communication, and preparing relevant documentation.

2) Support from Redde Payments: We provide guidance and tools to help merchants collect and organize necessary evidence, streamlining the response process.

2. Representment

If the merchant decides to dispute the chargeback, we can help compile the necessary evidence—such as proof of delivery, transaction records, and customer communication. This evidence is then submitted to the issuing bank through our platform.

1) Merchant's Role: Merchants prepare a representment package, which includes all gathered evidence to dispute the chargeback.

2) Redde Payments' Involvement: We facilitate the submission of this package to the issuing bank, ensuring that all documentation is complete and submitted within the deadline.

3. Issuing Bank Decision

The issuing bank reviews the evidence provided by the merchant. If the bank finds the evidence compelling, they may reverse the chargeback, crediting the merchant’s account. If not, the chargeback stands, and the customer retains the refund.

1) Bank's Perspective: The bank conducts a thorough review of the submitted evidence, comparing it against the customer’s initial claim.

2) Outcome: Based on the strength of the evidence, the bank decides whether to uphold or reverse the chargeback, concluding the dispute process.

How Redde Payments is Involved

1. Transaction Monitoring and Alerts

At Redde Payments, we proactively monitor transactions for potential issues. Our advanced fraud detection systems can identify and flag suspicious activities, reducing the likelihood of disputes arising from fraudulent transactions.

1) Proactive Measures: Continuous monitoring helps detect and prevent fraudulent activities before they escalate into chargebacks.

2) Customer Protection: These systems ensure that legitimate transactions are protected, and any anomalies are flagged for further review.

2. Timely Notifications

We ensure merchants receive prompt notifications of any disputes or chargebacks. Quick communication allows merchants to respond within the required timeframe, which is crucial for a successful resolution.

1) Efficiency: Our timely notifications help merchants stay on top of disputes, enabling swift action to address them.

2) Communication: Clear and detailed notifications ensure that merchants understand the nature of the dispute and what is required from them.

3. Support and Guidance

Navigating a chargeback can be complex. Redde Payments provides dedicated support to guide merchants through each step of the process. Our team helps merchants understand the reasons behind the dispute and how best to respond.

1) Expert Assistance: Our support team is available to answer questions and provide advice on handling disputes effectively.

2) Resource Availability: We offer access to resources and best practices to help merchants prevent future chargebacks.

4. Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics

Our platform offers detailed reporting and analytics on disputes and chargebacks. These insights help merchants identify patterns and take proactive measures to prevent future disputes, ultimately improving their business practices.

1) Insightful Data: Access to detailed reports helps merchants understand the root causes of disputes and chargebacks.

2) Actionable Insights: Merchants can use this data to make informed decisions and implement changes to reduce future chargebacks.

5. Educational Resources

Knowledge is power. We provide educational resources and support to help merchants understand the chargeback process, industry regulations, and best practices for dispute management.

1) Support: We offer live agents via phone or live chat to help merchants stay informed about their disputes.

2) Preventive Strategies: By understanding the chargeback process, merchants can adopt strategies to minimize the occurrence of disputes.


Understanding the dispute and chargeback process is essential for maintaining a healthy financial ecosystem for your business. At Redde Payments, we are committed to supporting our merchants every step of the way, from transaction monitoring and timely notifications to providing expert guidance and valuable insights. Just as a CRM is critical for managing customer relationships, a reliable payment processor is indispensable for navigating disputes and safeguarding your revenue.

For more detailed information and assistance on managing disputes and chargebacks, visit our website or contact our support team. Together, we can ensure your business thrives with confidence and security.


· The Payment Dispute Process

· What is a Chargeback?

· Credit Card Chargeback: A Guide For Merchants

At Redde Payments, we're not just a payment processor; we're your partner in navigating the complexities of disputes and chargebacks, ensuring your business remains robust and resilient.

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