4 Easy Tips to Up Your Product Page Game!

4 Easy Tips to Up Your Product Page Game!
As an online business that sells products, your product page is the most important page on your website! When set up properly, your product page performs as a sales pitch rather than a page that just lists what you have to offer. Similar to a sales pitch, a product page that converts can be tricky. If you include too little information, unclear titles or unfit images your shoppers may not be convinced causing them to bounce from your page. Don’t worry, we have put together a list of ways to improve your product page! Here are 4 simple tips to help your product pages convert.
1. Make Each Word Count.
All written copy (content) will help persuade your customers and instill trust within your brand. Here are a few strategies to help your content propel a sale:
Compelling Product Description. Product descriptions should sound like you are absolutely in love with your products and you just want to express why your customers will love them too. Descriptions should be concise, with a clear story that is convincing to shoppers.
Be Specific. Are your products made out of special materials? Or maybe you include a long list of ingredients? Do you sell by the weight instead of quantity? This is your time to be specific and tell your customers what to expect from your products. Think about everything you typically would want to know before buying an item. Another great angle is to anticipate questions your audience might have and answer them. You want to be transparent with your customers and completely upfront. The more information, the better!
2. Visuals, Visuals, VISUALS!

The biggest disadvantage to consumers when it comes to online shopping is the obvious - not being able to touch or see the product up close. This is why convincing your customers how great your products are from afar is so important to your success.
Take high-resolution photos. This doesn’t necessarily mean hiring a product photographer and surpassing your budget. High-resolution photos are possible on the latest cell phones including Samsung’s Galaxy Phone and the iPhone. High-res images look more appealing, but they also allow your customers to zoom in closely to view those small details with little to no pixelation.
Make Quality Lighting a PRIORITY. Of course, natural light helps make photos look amazing for your social media feed. However, for your website you are going to want to invest in LED lighting from at least two sources (other than your camera). This helps illuminate your products and avoid too many shadows. Lighting transforms product photos and helps your images look brighter, fresher and overall more appealing.
Basic Backgrounds. Think solids, neutrals, bright and basic for your photography backgrounds. We encourage you to go to some of your favorite sites and checkout their product pages. You’ll realize white is the most common product background next to light gray or even tan. Social media loves bright vibrant, decorative backgrounds. Although these are great and appealing, those types of backgrounds are to engage your followers and boost curiosity. Your website product page is supposed to convince your customers that you are the better, more professional choice. Basic backgrounds are the best way to highlight your products in a clear and concise way.
All About the Angles. Like we mentioned before, not being able to touch or feel products will always be the biggest downfall to online shopping. One way to make it better is to show your products from different angles. Shoppers love 360° views and everyday items next to your products for scale. Helping your customers better understand what you are selling is the key to converting a purchase.
3. Play with product strategies!
Of course there are little tricks that marketing strategists use to help boost sales. Playing with different approaches and seeing what works best for your business could lead to more customers and more profit.
- Display low stock alerts: Creating urgency is a great way to push your customers to impulse buy. Adding “low stock” messages on product pages when your inventory is running low. Sometimes businesses even place this when their stock isn’t low. Playing with this strategy can help propel your business!
- Add Exclusive Products: When you have a new product it’s always a great idea to create an exclusive deal around it. Use social media campaigns and tell your customers you are releasing a new product but there is only a limited amount. Then once your product goes live your customers will rush to buy before they are sold out. Many celebrities try this approach including the Kardashians. By releasing a small amount of product it creates the illusion of “too many buyers” and that the product is special because hardly anyone owns it.
4. Design, Design, DESIGN!

An eye-catching product page will keep your customers active and engaged. We know it’s tempting to go overboard with design and to keep adding little features, but you don’t want to overcrowd your page.
Your products need to be the focal point and should outshine all other design aspects. Here are some brief ways to achieve this:
- Keep product pages simple.
- Hide extra details with drop-down menus.
- Place all important information higher to catch more attention.
- Optimize CTA buttons - Make sure they stand out from other content!
In conclusion...
These strategies can help business owners create an effective product page that displays their products in the best possible light. Your product’s story is important to your customer and when the story is compelling - it will generate its own fan base that comes back for more!